
I have lived in Essex County New Jersey for all of my life and find it a beautiful and interesting place. I find inspiration from the variety of lush suburban greenery to it’s gritty urban neighborhoods. I know that my work reflects that both of these are intrinsic to my experience here. I’ve spent summers at the Jersey Shore for many years and also cannot resist the attraction to the water and light of that place. Annually, I am amazed at the change that occurs in subject and color in only a week of being there. I am a very connected creature of my environment. This experience rings especially true from the series which have resulted from my travels.

My fascination with color has been lifelong. I distinctly remember enjoying a project using 4 cans of primary colored enamel to create festival booths made from fruit crates.I reveled in the mixing and pure colors themselves until I had used finished them all. I continue to be thrilled by the use of bold color and the never ending mixing of colors. Since it is often my goal to infuse my work emotionally to engage the viewer, I deliberatetly use intense pallets with dramatic contrasts and pairings of color groups. Often I will have recurring color in my paintings for a period as I am emphatuated by one over another for a time.

Typically, I begin a painting, with line, pencil, marker or paint straight on the support surface.Secondly , I begin to formulate shapes with blocks of color with paint. Frequently I have a theme, place or palette in mind from a sketch or series. Finally , the longest and most enjoyable time in my process begins with the addition and subtraction of line , shape and color. Lines may be extended, removed or added or left to show through as a bottom layer. Color forms are also subject to glazes, shading and added layers. At this point , all aspects of line, shape and color are evaluated and calculated as they interact with each other toward my final intention .It is also during his process that I will build up textures and add materials to my canvas.

I began to pursue art as a career 20 years ago with a weekly watercolor class. I had always enjoyed watercolors and continue to be fascinated by the effects that water and color produce on paper. Most of my sketchbooks are filled with watercolor markers or water soluble crayon sketches but I will resort to any materials available when neccessary. I also employ photographs and web images as references but I primarily depend on my personal interpretation for inspiration. I have been working in my chosen medium of mixed media for about 3 years now, after a brief time with oils. I find that mixed media offers me the greatest freedom of expression on a variety of support materials. Layering of acrylics ,markers, graphite and collage is easily accomplished and dries quickly. The pace and timing of this medium provides a good rythmn for my individual timing, often working on a few pieces at once. Specific to my choice of medium, is the texture afforded by the paint and mixing mediums which are plastic but watersoluble